Traditional Freighter

Traditional Freighter

freighter carries break bulk cargo as opposed to containerized cargo.

Distinguishing Features: Traditional freighters have many deck-mounted cranes used to transfer cargo
from a wharf to the vessel.

Size or Length: Traditional freighters range in length from 250ft (76.2m) to 600ft (182.88m). The
“Liberty Ships” of WWII were 441ft (134.4m) in length and 56ft (17m) wide.

Types of Cargo: All types of break bulk (as opposed to wet or dry bulk or containerized) cargo.

How Cargo is Loaded: Freighters utilize numerous deck-mounted cranes to transfer non-containerized
cargo such as cartons, bales, drums, palletized cargo, machinery and vehicles from a wharf or lighter
onto the vessel, where longshoremen or stevedores, in a very time-consuming process, stow the cargo
into the holds.

Note: Traditional freighters are for the most part obsolete, but are still used in remote parts of the world.
Some have been converted to carry containers and dry bulk cargo such as grain, coal, phosphates,
fertilizers, and animal feeds. For the most part, they have been sold as scrap metal.


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